Curb link

Titta lite närmare på någon handgjord kedja, för den behöver faktiskt uppmärksammas! Jag älskar kedjor, men jag hade faktiskt inte kunnat föreställa mig problemen som uppstår när man skall tillverka en pansarlänk förhand. Så mycket precision och styrka som behövs. Men övning kommer väl att ge färdighet intalar jag mig. Uppskatta din kedja för vad det faktiskt är!! Ett otroligt fint hantverk❣️
Take a closer look at a handmade chain, because it actually needs to be appreciated! I love chains, but I actually could not have imagined the problems that occurred when making a curbed link. The amount of precision and strength that was needed. I suppose practice will gain skill, I tell myself. Appreciate your chain for what it actually is !! An incredibly fine piece of jewellery❣️
Take a closer look at a handmade chain, because it actually needs to be appreciated! I love chains, but I actually could not have imagined the problems that occurred when making a curbed link. The amount of precision and strength that was needed. I suppose practice will gain skill, I tell myself. Appreciate your chain for what it actually is !! An incredibly fine piece of jewellery❣️